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Knowledge base
Mithi Account
What is MyAccount at Mithi? Who can access the MyAccount?
Which email id is ideal for accessing the MyAccout at Mithi ?
What will be the impact if you confirm to change the login id to access MyAccount?
Escalation Matrix
Mail-merge plugin on thunderbird
See all 14 articles
Contacts and Roles
[Mithi Account] I changed the tech contact using the Mithi Account, but I can't log in to the SkyConnect/Vaultastic Admin Panel using the new ID.
[Mithi Account] I changed the tech contact using the Mithi Account but I can't login to the Trend console using the new ID.
[Mithi Account] I changed the tech contact, but I can't login to LegacyFlo using the new ID.
[Mithi Account] I changed the Billing contact, but the license organization name still shows the old id.
[Mithi Account] Why can't I change the license organization name. The email id is no longer valid.
See all 11 articles
Monthly excess storage and extra users
[Billing] Can I delete the excess email in my account to regularize my usage to my purchased quantities?
[Billing] Can I pay my extra usage bill at the end of my contract as I will not get the additional payment approval during the contract? Our excess storage usage is minimal can I club them together?
[Billing] [I purchased a block of storage for my organization at the start of my contract, then why am I getting an excess storage bill for the month?
[Billing] I've been your customer for a while, then why am I getting this bill now?
[Billing] What is GB-day?
See all 16 articles
General Queries
[Billing] Can payment agreements be changed?
[Billing] Different payment methods available
[Billing] How do we confirm the usage?
[Billing] How and when will the invoice be sent?
[Billing] How can I review my usage before I receive the invoice so I can reduce the unnecessary usage?
See all 9 articles
[Calendar] How do I sync calendar information across devices
[Calendar] How do I share my calendar
Inpremise servers
Mass Mailing
[Mail|Mass-mailing] Best case practices for bulk mail
[Mail] What is the difference between total messages per day and total recipients per day?
[Mail] What happens when a user crosses the limits?
[Mail] Can we restrict the users from sending the mail to a distribution list(group) which they are member of and they should only be able to receive the mail which was sent on that group.
[Mass Mailing] Different ways to send bulk mail
See all 10 articles
Integration and Co-existence Setup
[SkyConnect] How to create local archives in a desktop client?
[SkyConnect] Can we have AD authentication for the SkyConnect domains?
[SkyConnect] Do we need to create sub-domains for the co-existence setup?
[SkyConnect] How will mail flow for Groups or distribution lists on SkyConnect and O365 ?
[SkyConnect] Can O365 user share documents in One drive with SkyConnect users? Can SkyConnect user access one drive?
See all 16 articles
Set Email Forwarding
Troubleshooting the "Forgot Password" Feature Issue
Forward a mail with particular subject.
Email content format change after applying footer
Redirect mails from ex-employee's account/Deleted user.
See all 11 articles
Address Book
[Address Book] How do I access the Global Address book from my mobile
[Address Book] How to export contacts as CSV?
Email access via Desktop & Mobile clients
[Mail] How to configure email access from mobile
[Mail] Unable to view mail on a desktop client or baya
[Mail] Unable to view attachments
[Mail] Frequent IMAP folder Synchronizations in Outlook
[Mail| Outlook] Mail search issue in outlook
See all 38 articles
Storage Management
[Mail] We have configured the Auto mail deletion feature. However the mailstore size has not reduced.
[Mail] The Storage usage on my domain has crossed the limits we had set. How do we get it back within limits without impacting the productivity.
[Mail] The leave copy on server setting on the POP client has been changed. However, the user's storage used is is not reducing.
[Mail] We have configured the Save to Sent Items setting for POP users. Will the "leave copy on server" setting automatically delete mail from the Sent Items folder on the server?
[Mail] I have deleted users, but they are still present in the storage user report.
See all 6 articles
[Mail] Unable to configure custom links on the login page using customization tab in Admin panel
[Mail] Intangible/Invisible Network Obstacles
[Mail] Captcha enable/disable option under customization tab in Admin panel is not working
[Mail] Internet Service Providers blocking SMTP port 25
[Mail] Mithi solutions support TLS 1.2 as per PCI security standards council mandate
See all 7 articles
SecureMailFlow Management
[SecureMailFlow] What is the difference between SpamTitan and Trend HES?
[SecureMailFlow|SpamTitan] Blacklist domain
[SecureMailFlow|SpamTitan] I want to report spam
[SecureMailFlow] What is a false positive, false negative and spam deleted
[SecureMailFlow] Can SkyConnect control mail from legitimate ids which masquerade someone else?
See all 93 articles
Migration From Baya V3 to Baya V4
[Mail] User's account has been locked out
[Mail|Baya| Blank Page] Mails not loading on Webmail
[Mail] User is unable to login to his account using the web client (Baya V3/V2)
[Mail|Baya|2FA] Already registered user is prompted to register for 2FA again
[Mail] User's account password needs to be reset
See all 8 articles
[Mail] [Report] I have deleted users, but they are still present in the storage user report.
[Mail] How do I get the list of all active users
[Mail] How do I get the list of all users in the domain
[Mail] [User reports] How do I get Active users of domain
Error While Releasing Mail from Quarantine Report
Mail flow problems
[Mail] I occassionally receive bounce messages for mail I never sent
[Mail| Incoming] Mail from an external sender is not received
[Mail] End users cannot send mail
[Mail] Mail from another user on my domain is not received by me
[Mail] Unable to send a mail to a external user
See all 18 articles
Getting Started
[SkyConnect] How to test MX entries of a from a Linux desktop?
[SkyConnect] What will happen if the mail comes to old setup in transition period?
[SkyConnect] How much time it will take to reflect the new DNS records?
[SkyConnect] What all activities will be involved for go live?
[SkyConnect] How much time will it take in shifting from our existing mail server to the SkyConnect servers?
See all 15 articles
Migration From Baya V2 to Baya V4
[Mail] How to migrate Calendar events from Baya V2 to Baya V4?
[Mail] How to migrate contacts from my Personal Address Book in Baya V2 to Baya V4?
[Mail] How to migrate from Baya V2 to V4
[Mail] How fields are mapped from VCF file to Baya V2 Personal Contacts?
[Mail] How to export contacts from Baya V2 to CSV or VCF file?
See all 7 articles
[Mail] Why I should not use the IMAP option to get a backup of a mail box?
[Mail]Why I should not use the POP option to get a backup of a mail box?
[Mail] How do I export the mails from a desktop client
[Mail] How do I backup a user's mailbox
Mails got deleted by user from skyconnect account
[Mail] Delete domains
[Mail] Add/Provision domains
[Mail] Add/Provision users
[Mail] Delete users
[Mail] Create groups or distribution lists and add members
See all 6 articles
SkyConnect Billing
Any exported mail from SkyConnect is chargeable?
[Billing] How to reduce the cost of the SkyConnect bill ?
Mail flow configurations
[Mail] How do I block a user from sending mail
[Mail] Configuration for sending mail via an application
[Mail] How do I block a user from receiving mail
[LegacyFlo] Can one organization have more than one account on the application?
[LegacyFlo] Can I import historical data to a Vaultastic account after I have started live email archiving?
[LegacyFlo] What are the different request types supported?
[LegacyFlo] Which special characters are not allowed in the source or destination user password?
[LegacyFlo] What can I do with the LegacyFlo application?
See all 20 articles
Data Files (PST/ EML in Zip files /Any files in ZIP files)
[LegacyFlo] What is the maximum PST size that can be converted?
[LegayFlo] How do I convert PST / EML in ZIP file to Active Store data
[LegacyFlo] Does LegacyFlo support importing and converting NSF files?
[LegacyFlo] Why do I have to upload the files to an S3 bucket?
[LegcyFlo] When should I use a snowball to copy my data?
See all 9 articles
Add Multiple Requests
[LegacyFlo] Requests submitted via Add Multiple Requests are failing
[LegacyFlo] How do I create a CSV for defining multiple requests?
LegacyFlo Request Execution Stats
[LegacyFlo] Why don't the counts in the source and destination match?
[LegacyFlo] Why don't the counts in the source and destination match for IMAP request?
Google Workspace
[LegacyFlo] My GMAILOAUTH-S3-ZIP job failed due to error -Source IMAP access is disabled for your domain. What to do?
[LegacyFlo] Can't start jobs to migrate from GMail
[Vaultastic] Users unable to reset password using the Forgot password app
[Vaultastic] User unable to login to his account
[Vaultastic] My vaults are growing large causing performance issues
[Vaultastic] Reset user’s account password
[Vaultastic] User's account is locked
See all 6 articles
[Vaultastic] Allow users to search mail through other accounts using eDiscovery
[Vaultastic] Is cross-domain archiving supported?
[Vaultastic] Can I import historical data to a Vaultastic account after I have started live email archiving?
[Vaultastic] How do I access the Admin Panel?
[Vaultastic] Does Vaultastic support an IMAP connector to Google Apps?
[Vaultastic] How are distribution lists handled?
See all 45 articles
Deleting Vaultastic accounts & mail
[Vaultastic] Can I delete a Vaultastic account?
[Vaultastic] What should I ensure before deleting a Vaultastic account?
[Vaultastic] Can I delete mail from any account?
Archive Live mail flow
[Vaultastic] Need to enable archiving for a Distribution list in Exchange
[Vaultastic] I have journaling configured on O365 to archive mail to an inprem solution. Can I add one more rule to simultaneously archive to Vaultastic?
[Vaultastic] Users can't see any mail for a specified period
[Vaultastic] I have setup live mail archiving on my O365 domain, but the delivery is failing.
[Vaultastic] How to configure multiple Google Workspace domains within the organization for archiving in Vaultastic?
See all 8 articles
Auto user provisioning
[Vaultastic] How do I configure auto user creation?
[Vaultastic] What will happen if the auto user creation fails if the number of users already present is equal to the licensed users ?
[Vaultastic] What does Enable Selective Archiving option do?
[Vaultastic] When is auto user creation triggered?
[Vaultastic] Does an admin need to provision a user manually if there is a failure in the auto user provisioning process?
See all 9 articles
[Vaultastic] How do I provision an additional domain?
[Vaultastic] Need to add few more users on Vaultastic. How to enable archiving for these users?
[Vaultastic] Pre-requisites for archiving to start
[Vaultastic] Users need to be provisioned automatically
[Vaultastic] How many domains can I create on Vaultastic?
See all 12 articles
Migration from Vaultastic V3 to Vaultastic V4
[Vaultastic] Why Vaultastic V4?
[Vaultastic] User login is not working after migration of my Vaultastic domain from Version 3 to Version 4
[Vaultastic] Now that the user-based plans (Continuity, Tracer, and Durability) with capped storage are discontinued, what is the pricing model for Vaultastic V4?
[Vaultastic] How does Vaultastic V4's new plan address all the functionality I had with the earlier plans?
[Vaultastic] What are the significant changes in this migration to Vaultastic V4?
See all 6 articles
Retrieving/ Downloading data
[Vaultastic] Can I download data from Vaultastic?
[Vaultastic] How to enable export from the eDiscovery interface of the Active Store?
[Vaultastic] I cannot upload a file using the Open Store Application
Deep store - data restore
LegacyFlo & AWS S3
[LegacyFlo] My region is not listed here. Can Mithi provide support?
[LegacyFlo] How do I create a S3 bucket?
[LegacyFlo] Why does LegacyFlo require a S3 bucket?
[LegacyFlo] Which region should the S3 bucket be in?
[LegacyFlo] In which regions can I create a S3 bucket?
S3 Browser
[S3 Browser] I do not have S3 browser on my machine. How to install it?
[S3 Browser] What is S3 Browser?
[S3 Browser] How to make sure data is not corrupted traversing the network?
[S3 Browser] How to start working with S3 Browser?
[S3 Browser] How to retry uploading files on S3 browser?
See all 10 articles